ABBS Campus
About the Event:
Disaster Management, Reconstruction and Peace on August 5th & 6th2021
The Conference main theme relates to the Covid 19 pandemic that has impacted every individual across countries. The present uncertainty and the unknown future has brought the world to a standstill. There is a clear disruption of the so-called stable system that the developed world prided themselves on. Politics, society, economy all are going through a radical flux. The pandemic has put the spotlight on structural faults in our socio economic system that have resulted from merciless torturing of this planet to satisfy the human greed for more material goods. It has revealed the deep rooted conflicts in society and economy. Across countries civil reverberations are visible. This disaster has generated new ideas of accountability across every field.
The issues facing disaster management in the developing countries are quite different from those in the developed countries. Many developing countries are now embarked on a path of economic reform and sustainable development in the framework of a globalized world. It will create significant problems on many fronts, particularly in the area of natural and man-made disasters. Although natural disasters can take place at any point, some places like coastal areas, hilly terrain, and earthquake prone regions, are likely to face these problems more frequently. The pandemic has brought in focus the need for a review of the development plans. The priorities have to be reworked as health, employment, education, business, environment et al have to be reviewed from a totally different perspective.
A regional approach to disaster management is necessary. For that purpose, we need to integrate the theories and techniques of Regional Planning, Regional Science, and Architecture with those of disaster management. Location and resources are important for making decisions related to socio-economic factors. Environment is also a critical factor. Here the environment is seen in a more holistic way by including not just the physical environment, like air pollution and water pollution, but also social and economic environment, involving such factors as income, migration, gender, ethnicity, and religion. Disaster management is also related to conflict between different groups and geopolitical regions. Governance is another crucial variable that needs to be considered in decision making.
Broad Sub Themes of the Conference include:
Problems and Possibilities in Online Education in Management on 7thAugust 2021
Management Education has undergone remarkable changes over the years and today with online delivery in response to the pandemic that has engulfed the world, it stands at a juncture where the big question staring at its face is should the design and delivery be changed. With major extension in the scope of Management Education, a number of new challenges have also emerged. The academic institutions are trying to innovate in the course content as well as delivery to effectively deliver subjects like Accounting, Finance, MIS, Production Management, Statistics, Marketing, Organizational Behaviour, and International Management. Both faculty members and students need to be brought up to speed on online delivery through expert training The quick transition from Offline to online mode requires availability of excellent technical infrastructure and not many institutions are equipped with it. Students living in remote areas do not have access to good internet service. The speed and availability of networks is a challenge. Keeping the interest alive of students remotely connected is not easy
This untoward situation could impact students psychologically because of apprehensions regarding loss of learning, late graduation, placement, online exam trauma etc. Therefore, there is an urgent need to offer counselling services. Besides regular classes, co-curricular and extra -curricular activities have also to be reinvented because learning cannot stop.
However, the crisis has also led to the widening of the learning horizon for both faculty members and students as the accessibility of international faculty and students has become easier. There is a spirit of collaboration and cooperation globally and this has helped our students get exposure to international faculty. All this has led to exploring new areas of knowledge and practice.
Management education is one of the most attractive programs across the globe. Its ability to fill multiple roles in varying countries’ environments has created a vast demand for it. This growth is now visible in the developing world. Asia’s influence on the global marketplace has been acknowledged by global players. Powers like China, India, Japan are experimenting with the idea of new management styles for not only to compete with established economies of the East but also to lead the world with gained confidence. Owing to globalization multifarious changes are noticed in the functioning of industries across the world requiring manpower with multi-skills rather than having simple knowledge orientation. Top Management institutes are continuously changing the contents & delivery modes.
The purpose of this conference is to engage all concerned in a serious discussion with a view to revamping management education as a prelude to better stakeholder participation and viability in the present global economy. The conference will examine the issues that need to be addressed and a possible direction, with emphasis on content, design and delivery – so that management education can be rejuvenated to its glory again.
Therefore this International conference conducted in association with Binghamton University – State University of New York is an attempt to:
v Understand the paradigm shift in global management education and evolve new models for management educators.
v Evaluate the need of Management Education to suit different stakeholders in various socio economic and political conditions.
v Evaluate the strengths and drawbacks of online mode of education
v Understand the importance of digitization in academic institutions.
v Integrate undergraduate level education into Management Education.
v Review the scope of improving syllabi of courses in different areas of Management.
v Analyze the need for country specific design and delivery keeping in mind the political, socio-economic and cultural differences across the globe.
v Highlight the importance of empirical research, experiential learning and training & development of the various stakeholders in the new emerging system.
v Address the radical structural shifts in the new global economic scenario with reference to developing countries and countries in transition.
This Conference is expected to host many eminent Academicians, Professionals and experts from across the globe, and focus on the multi-cultural impact on management education in countries in transitions.
1. Abstracts submission date: On or before May 15th. 2021
2. Full paper submission date: On or before July 10th. 2021
3. Both online and offline presentation facilities are available. Participants can choose any option.
*Papers may also be presented on any related areas other than the sub themes mentioned.
Conference Contact details
Ms. Chaithra Yadav