Campus to Community is a community engagement program that combines hands-on service work with reflection. Under this program students study social issues, build skills and gain practical experience. Students then reflect to learn about themselves and the communities they work in. C2C is an internship program that offers experiential learning to students on issues pertaining to the community and environment. The objective is to create sensitivity among the youth who can be tomorrows for promoting common good. C2C is a platform which strives to search solutions or alternatives to the existing problems.
Students are assigned tasks on projects related to development in various sectors including urban and rural development, water and power supply, sanitation and waste management, women and child issues, to name a few. Students participate in field work under the guidance of experts to understand the issues in-depth before attempting to address the problems on hand. This creates the foundation for informed and experienced young leadership which our country needs.
IIP is a part of well-designed academic curriculum architecture and it is a mandatory practice based course. IIP is a credit course and each student has to undergo and secure the minimum prescribed marks to be eligible to obtain the PGDM degree. The objective of this course is to provide practical and applied experience to the students in the real-industry situation. They get an opportunity to apply the core and conceptual learning in solving some of the actual issues concerning the business in an experiential manner. IIP course is normally scheduled after completion of five terms. The students undergo IIP under the guidance of both faculty mentor and industry mentor.
IIP has been designed to achieve two main purposes and to meet the objectives of all the stakeholders. It is a primary and main academic requirement. Further Industry is looking for competent and capable candidates to join their organization. The students are also looking for a suitable placement and hence this scheme meets the dual purpose to the mutual benefit of both the students and the business organizations. The students are therefore advised and encouraged to do an effective IIP and try to convert the same to a pre-placement offer. This impacts the learning of the students as there is tremendous value addition through hands on exposure to real life corporate world. ABBSSM has received excellent results be from this initiative as most students tend to get job offers from their internship organizations
The interest of the Centre is to understand conflict resolution processes by keeping socio economic priorities in perspective. Therefore, the spectrum of research is broad and includes not only political, ethnic and religious conflicts but also water, energy, food, migration, environmental and other types of conflicts in the development process of particularly emerging economies. We intend to connect this center with other programs and organizations worldwide. Our focus will be purely academic without any link to political parties or ideology. Each program will be directed to scientific studies of conflict and peace science to prevent, manage or possibly solve the problem. One of the landmark activities of the center is its annual conference which is attended by scholars from across the globe including Nobel laureates who discuss and offer various conflict resolutions options. The Center also undertakes funded projects that help to resolve economic and social issues.
ABBSSM has a unique and innovative program for students where they learn how to undertake both qualitative and quantitative research. This offers an opportunity to the students to delve deep into areas of their interest and publish papers in recognized journals. The students work under the guidance of the research mentor and the faculty mentor. The program prepares the student for their corporate or entrepreneurial projects as they are able to create excellent reports through a research process that they learn. This initiative helps in the placement process as students become confident in answering the interview questions as they have better knowledge of the area of their specialization. They stand ahead of others in their jobs as they are able to present data in a structured and analysed manner that adds value to their reports and presentations in their corporate life. Students are encouraged to prepare Business Plans that they can present to investors and ABBSSM helps to incubate ideas that are recognized as having good potential.
ABBSSM has a unique and innovative program for students where they learn how to undertake both qualitative and quantitative research. This offers an opportunity to the students to delve deep into areas of their interest and publish papers in recognized journals. The students work under the guidance of the research mentor and the faculty mentor. The program prepares the student for their corporate or entrepreneurial projects as they are able to create excellent reports through a research process that they learn. This initiative helps in the placement process as students become confident in answering the interview questions as they have better knowledge of the area of their specialization. They stand ahead of others in their jobs as they are able to present data in a structured and analysed manner that adds value to their reports and presentations in their corporate life. Students are encouraged to prepare Business Plans that they can present to investors and ABBSSM helps to incubate ideas that are recognized as having good potential.